August 17, 2019

                                                                                                                                        July 7, 2018

Mill Creek / Wicked Creek , near Pray, Mt.

    This is mountain and valley areas.  Some of the trails are old logging roads and the ATV trails are very rocky in places.  It well worth the ride.  There were amazing sites, waterfalls, hill sides full of rocks, forest and creeks to cross and snow!!  We came to a big bowl, a lake on the bottom and a circle of snow around the north circle. It felt unusual to be in this spot!

Lake at the top, such an unusual place to experience

The side trail went up the mountain, where we could see where there had been a avalanche and snow was to deep to continue, did I mention this was July 7th?
The main trail seemed to go on forever, we did come across a tree across the trail, so we turned around. Guess we'll have to back and see where it goes.
  This trail is listed on Rider under Wicked Creek
Going back down, there's magnificent views going and coming on this trail!!

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