August 16, 2019

                                                                                                                                    June 28, 2018

Land of Yankee Fork, Challis, Idaho
      This is one of our top 5 rides in the USA. It has lakes to the west, 50 inch trail, and regular trails, mountain climbing, old mining camps, water crossings and this year a lot of snow on top!
We camp right in town and ride to the trail heads. The Land of Yankee Fork State Park Visitor center has information on hand and map of Bayhorse trail. You could probably get a MVUM from Salmon Challis National Forest.

Bay Horse area

Ramshorn snow drift


  We rode to the north, where there was a nice lake, easy to reach, further down the rocky, slow going trail, the kind you think your the only ones out there, we came to another lake, and of course there were 4 rigs at the end!!
Volcano edge

This is the trail

We rode over to Bay Horse Trail, up the mountains to the old mining building, sample cores and more. We drove thru valleys, creeks and to the top of Ramshorn Mountain, cold and large snow drifts remaining.  Challis is in the bottom of a volcano crater, and the hills you ride on is the rock that was blown out.  Of course erosion has taken place in the last 20 million years.

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